Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Introducing Jett William Lovell

He's Here!

Born November 20 2011, at 9:13 pm, at Ipswich Hospital in Australia,
Jett William Lovell came into our lives. 
he weighed 8 lb 11 ounces, and measured 53 cm long.

Our family is so happy and we feel very complete. 
We feel so blessed and loving our time becoming a family of 4. 

We woke Sunday morning, my water broke and a few minutes later the contractions came hard and fast. After a 14 hour labour, we finally got to meet our second little son who did not make the easiest entry into the world. But after a cesarean with Travis, I was able to give birth naturally to Jett and now I have experienced two completely different births and am so grateful for both of them. 

Earlier this year, sadly and suddenly, my grandfather Reg Williams passed away. This happened on the same day my cousin Debbie lost her battle with cancer. In honor of my grandfather, and the whole Williams family, we have given our son Jett the middle name of William. We like to think its a lovely tie to our family back home.

just an i.v. for some fluids, looks worse than it was

my boys :) Travis meeting Jett

kisses for Jett

and look he has eyes! poke!

little hands

aaaarrrr pirate Jett

coming home from the hospital

yes I'm pale, I've been busy 

helping out

little feet!

little buddha baby belly

what? i always sleep flexing

i love how into having a brother Travis is

Jett and Daddy

Out for lunch

Love that smug newborn look, they are so wise :)

Daddy cuddles

not one to be left out


How awesome is Travis with Jett? :)

Sleeping in :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our little turtle boy is back

After a few water hesitations, except for the garden hose, which he loves, our little turtle is now back and loving the water again 

Swimming at Nana's house :)

Helping us grocery shop, and play the toilet paper like drums

Having a lunch date with his friend Matilda, they are so freaking cute. She shared her toast with him, after he ate all of his

More swimming

So proud, picking out a deck already :) :) :) 

And a bit blurry, but the 38 week photo, apparently I'm Huge!

And my birthday/Christmas gift from Emma and Jason! Honestly such an amazing gift, I needed it bad, previous photos of my hair will justify it. Thanks :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Loving the warm weather!

Enjoying the heat the laziest way we can :)

Grumpy face

The garden

Loves outside

little boy, big pot

And he grew!

Our new crib, thanks Wendy and Mom

The beginning of setting up the baby's room...to be continued

a koala up in the tree

hot i know...36 weeks 5 days...HUGE

Summer loving and water play, photo shoot from today :)

And a big crash out :)

And a movie :)