Saturday, June 2, 2012

Travis' 2nd Birthday Party!

Today we celebrated Travis' birthday with a party with all his little friends. We had a full gang running around. Originally the party was going to be at the park near our house, but with heavy rain this weekend, I managed to rent the hall we usually have playgroup on Friday's at. It was a great venue; all fenced in, a playground, a huge undercover area for when it did rain, and an inside too, complete with a kitchen area so we could make coffee and store everything. We had an amazing day. Thanks to everyone who came out and celebrated with us and to those who wanted to be there but couldn't make it, you were with us in spirit! There was lots of sugar, balloons, bubbles, fun and even a bouncy castle, thanks Lona! It was so fun to celebrate with everyone and really made it feel like a party. So good to have so many great friends to invite! Oh also, huge thanks to Emma for helping me with all the food making and set up too. I can't believe I thought I didn't have enough food, always the way I suppose, we had so much left over!
A great day all around, Travis had a great day and spent all afternoon telling me about the bouncy castle and asking me if we were going to the party (bart as he calls it) again, ha ha ha.
I didn't take any photos, so huge thanks to Wendy for taking so many! And thanks for letting me steal them all!!! 

The spread.

The Birthday Boy

Race light rice krispie squares and oreo wheels

Trying to figure out the high tech bubble maker

Liam amazed by the bubbles

Bubbles, do bubbles like snacks?

He kind of loved the rice krispies

Double fisting all ready

The party set up

Aria and Travis

Travis and Matilda

The cool little playground they have 

Little Jett

Thomas and Jett

The cutest little baby

Any one want some sandwiches 

Thomas found the cupcakes.The awesome cupcakes Wendy made. 

Liam, Thomas and Aria hanging out with Jett

 Jackson and Travis

Thomas and the bubbles

Some of the gang

 The jumping castle, hit of the party for sure 

Nice break dancing moves Travis

Jett got in on the action too

Birthday boy

Who wants to decorate your own mini cupcake? Everyone!!!!!

They had so much fun! I think Travis just ate the mnm's the whole time

Lola, Ella and Travis

Present time. 

Thank you Phoebe and Sophie

Thank you Matilda

Thank you Ella and Mara-Jade

Thank you Ava and Poppy

Thank you Thomas and Isaac 

Thank you Jackson, Lola, Aly and Fletcher, Ethan, Aria and Finn

Thank you Nana and Poppy

Also thank you to Liam, Kaylee and Hannah, just don't have photos of all gifts opened, Travis and his helpers ripped thru them pretty fast. 

He had an awesome day. 

Huge thanks again to everyone who came, and wanted to come but couldn't be there. Travis is such a lucky boy to have such amazing friends and family. 
The weather was great, so we probably didn't need to switch the venue, but I'm glad we did, it's a cool place for playgroup and an even cooler place for toddler birthday parties. 

Lots of love to my little Travisaurus. Almost 2 years ago you changed our lives forever by becoming a part of it and made it so much better. We love you lots and forever. 
Love Mom and Dad, and little Jett too.

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