Saturday, September 15, 2012

So much fun

I do not think my heart will grow any more, and then it does. I love our little family and Wayne and I are loving watching our two little boys grow! Their little personalities are so amazing to see develop. Seriously we are just having so much fun! Here's a photo update.
Jett at 9 months!

He's so freaking cute

Such a great smile!

Jett, ha ha, always pointing

Reading to my boys

Well trying to read to my boys :)

Sand is the best

We got "ishies"

Checking Jett's ears, just like the doctor checked his...except with a drill

Breakfast buddies

Strawberries and melon should balance out that giant chocolate milkshake

Ha ha ha ha, he did this for like a week and hasn't since. It was like he was getting cross with an invisible friend. That friend must have started to behave. 

Painting at play group

Too cool

Jett, always pointing

Toddler bike gang


Another busy day in the shop


Date weekend for Wayne and I, started off with a champagne lunch!

A little for me

A little for you

I love this photo, very retro looking, isn't he?

Having an after surf lunch break beach side

Such a helpful older brother

Travis at his swimming lessons. :D This looks boring, he can actually go under water and swim back up to the surface to his coach, I missed that photo

Jett, can NOT wait to get in for his turn. He is such a water baby, no photos of him since I'm in the water for his lesson still. He loves tumbling off the edge and going under water!

Travis at his soccer

Cheers Gramma!

Register full of CT money

I know how ya feel. 

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