Hello! This weekend was jam packed with family fun! Saturday we went down to Byron Bay for a friend of ours, daughter's first birthday party. It was a beautiful day, and we had a great time, i got my fill of fairy bread again (for those who don't know, bread, butter and sprinkles [or hundreds and thousands as they are called over here] its so good), and Travis had a great time running around with other kiddies and stealing their spoons.
enjoying cake
the birthday girl and travis
playing with the big kids
trying to be as rough as the big kids :)
That night we came back home and our neighbors were having a bonfire and party out in the bush, for something called Hans Sank. It goes way back to when they used to burn witches. Basically they throw this party every year around the winter solstice (summer solstice for us northern hemisphere-ers), and have a huge fire and burn a witch, (a dummy stuffed with straw). Either way it was cool to see a fire, we bundled up and walked over and got all toasty!
Ok we look horrible, its the flashes fault :)
running around, his first fire
so pretty, reminds me of home :) smelt like it at least
Next up: Canadian fathers day! Yes we celebrated it here, even though Australian fathers day isn't untill September. I forgot the cards in Canada (oops) so I made a cake. Ashley I got the cards in the mail today, thanks for sending them!
I know, terrible writing.
strawberry jam and whipped cream filled :) so good